Sonny Thomas, world acclaimed guitar
repairman and set-up man for Chet Atkins and Paul Yandell, told me that
the only thing I could do for the weight balance problem I have with my
Gibson ES-335 is to attach some weight to the head.... So, I

a few years later my favorite guitar repair guy, Phil Mineri - 5th Ave
Fret Shop (web site), refused to
work on my 335 unless I quit damaging the headstock with the
C-clamp. Instead, he hooked me up with a Quik-Grip clamp that
he trimmed to more easily work on my guitar and fit in my case.... 
was about the same weight as the harmful C-clamp - keeping the severely
out of balance old 355 on my lap. Notice the nice wide rubber pads
protecting the headstock. Thanks, Phil.... |