Band In A Box Support Page The software product "Band In A Box" is a auto-music generation package from PG Music and it seems tailor made as an accompaniment tool for us old basement pickers. It's kinda like a drum machine, but it also composes bass and four other instruments at the same time, also. All the user has to do is type in the chords (in the proper measures provided), select a tempo and a "style", and then BIAB composes and plays backup to our favorite tunes. In that quite a few of us OFGC members are working with BIAB, I thought we could post the tunes we have "chorded up" to share our labors. The list below is a composite of all the files I have "chorded up" and those I have received from club members, as well. (Some files that have been sent in required an "advanced" set of Styles and wouldn't run on my Basic version of BiaB, so I didn't include them here. If I can figure out how to get them to work on my version - I'll include them in the next release of these files.) These "files" have a tendency to be quite a bit on the "simple" side (especially mine) until the more skilled musicians "pick up the cause." Until then - these will just be fun to pick along with.... Enjoy. PG Music hosts a support news group for their BIAB product. (click here) Download List Tunes (Updated 03/22/03)