Vaughn Wiester's 
"Famous Jazz Orchestra"

"Weekly Pictures" - 07/15/13

(click on small picture to enlarge)


Photos by Tenneson Williams & Jim Loeffler

Meg Murphy.jpg (39719 bytes) Meg Murphy was our Guest Vocalist She has been a favorite in Columbus for years. Meg Murphy2.jpg (41627 bytes)
Bill Dixon.jpg (50787 bytes) Bill Dixon filling in very well on trumpet Mark Donavan.jpg (53078 bytes) Mark Donavan must have been reading a joke.  LOL
Mike Eagon.jpg (47588 bytes) Mike Egan helping out the trombone section. Zack Thompson.jpg (44724 bytes) Zack Thompson sitting in on drums.
Brad Wagner.jpg (60417 bytes) Brad Wagner nailing some takes.

Brad Wagner2.jpg (46057 bytes)